青年艺术家音乐会系列:采访Callie Miles '24
青年艺术家音乐会系列 凯丽·迈尔斯的《韦德娱乐苹果手机版下载》将在今秋开播.

Callie will join the list of 韦德娱乐app下载地址 greats as she takes the st年龄 on 9月29日星期五. Joining her will be special guests Sloan Miles ’26 and Maia Jarrett.

音乐系开始 青年艺术家音乐会系列 in 2018. The series includes one concert held each fall and spring trimester, 一个学生被选为主角. The first concert featured artists: classical pianist Haokai (Kevin) Zhou ’20, 安娜·施密特,20届, 大提琴家欧文·格雷厄姆20岁, 歌手兼词曲作者盖比·帕森斯19岁. The series aims to highlight the 韦德娱乐app下载地址 music program’s advanced musicians and vocalists. “表演的机会对所有类型的人都开放, and past concerts have featured everything from classical to Jazz, 岩石, 和音乐剧票价,Cathy Block P'14, 音乐部部长, 分享了她的选拔过程. She talked about the auditions held by the music department for students to showcase their 人才s. “It’s considered an honor to receive one of these two coveted spots. The featured artist puts their evening together with some consultation from the music department.”

音乐系很高兴为大家呈现凯丽的表演. "People better catch Callie while they can at a good price," teased Kim Harris, Vocal Director.

Cathy Block P'14, 谁说凯丽是“极好的天才”," hopes the community will take advant年龄 of this opportunity to see this rising star. 音乐会将在……举行 演艺中心(PAC) on 9月29日星期五, at 7 PM. 青年艺术家音乐会系列 免费入场. 它还将在Instagram上进行直播 @soleburymusic.


You’ve had a fair amount of professional experience for someone so young.

我开始玩的时候 路德迪金森 黑礁岛和北密西西比全明星队的一员, 他一直是我的良师益友. 我在音乐家和艺术家的陪伴下长大, many of whom took the time to believe in me and pass along lessons. 我曾在许多现场演出中演奏贝斯和钢琴, 做了一些录音室的工作和伴唱, and recently began playing my own shows locally and a few in other parts of the country. 


我希望任何看我的 青年艺术家音乐会系列 leaves with an understanding of who I am, both on and off the st年龄. 我试着展示自己不同的一面, 里面有我小时候喜欢的歌和我最近写的歌. It is a journey through my life and my music and shows how the two have been intertwined all along. 



My collaborator and longtime friend, Maia Jarrett, will play with me. 她是我最喜欢相处的人之一, 跟, 就在你身边, 我们有一种特殊的音乐联系. My little brother, Sloan, an amazing guitarist and person, will also play. 


凯西·布洛克改变了我的生活. 她不仅仅是一个老师. She is a mentor, friend, and the best music teacher I have ever had. Cathy knows how to encour年龄 students with positivity and hold us accountable when we aren't pulling our weight. She has really taught me how to be part of a band and lead groups of musicians. 索伯里的整个音乐系都很特别. 自从我遇见金·哈里斯,她每天都激励着我, and Greg Lipscomb always has good insight and the most beautiful ensemble. 我希望我能把这里的每节课都上100次. There are some I've taken multiple times, and I continue to learn more during each one. I feel so lucky to have spent these years at a school where my music has not only been accepted but enlivened. 我能够把社区团结在一起,感觉很好, and I will always be grateful to Solebury for creating the space for me and my art. 


My dream is to live in a world where I can be a part of facilitating music and art as tools for change. 我们的世界是美丽的, 但我们还有很多工作要做, and there is no more powerful tool than creativity and persistence. I hope that my personal future is loud with music and peaceful everywhere else. I hope to learn more about production and the different sides of the music industry and figure out where I fit within it. 虽然我很感激这四年, 我对离开索尔斯伯里后的生活感到兴奋, and I know that I will use all of the lessons I have learned here throughout my career and life.

一定要在Instagram上关注凯丽 @callietmiles 或者直播她 录音 在一夜. 欲了解更多有关 青年艺术家音乐会系列,请与Cathy Block联系 cblock@kionssdywfnkr.com.